Feb 27, 2008
Nov 26, 2007
Nov 21, 2007
Nov 14, 2007
Nov 11, 2007
Oct 30, 2007
The Laneway
As part of the City of Melbourne’s Graffiti Mentoring Project, coordinated through Arts and Culture’s Community Cultural Development program we will be creating a large mural the length of a city laneway. The project has obtained a Street Art Permit, and is therefore a legal artwork, and will be created in informal workshop sessions.
If you are into aerosol art, stencils, painting up big, then you are welcome to come down and work on the wall along with experienced street artists. This is a big wall space, and lots of opportunity for many styles and many people to contribute. Come and introduce yourself and your work to the organisers JD and Amanda, and sign in!
Where: Union Lane, between Little Collins Street and Bourke Street Mall
When: dates and times updated here weekly (see table)
Posted by
random stuff
7:43 PM
Code of respect
This is a legal street artwork! Street Art Permits have been obtained
from the City of Melbourne to give us the opportunity to paint this
laneway. We want to keep it safe and enjoyable for everyone who
participates. For this reason we have some simple rules, and the Site
Manager has the right to make sure we respect them.
Code of respect
* On arrival present yourself to the Site Manager, and sign in.
* Respect existing artwork at all times
* A condition of the Permit is that there is no material which is
considered to be obscene, racist or offensive. (See below)
If this happens the work will be buffed- you have been warned.
* No substances, no drugs, no alcohol
* Clear up after yourselves.
* Respect the neighborhood- no tagging etc.
* Paint and equipment is supplied for free. Be generous in return and
take nothing off site.
City of Melbourne Street Art Permit Conditions
If we ignore these conditions the wall can be buffed by Council
* Not to contain material which is considered to be obscene, racist or
offensive being [on the basis of discrimination - race, nationality,
sex, age, sexual preference, religion, disability, political belief;
violence; language; portrayal of sex, sexuality or nudity; health and
safety; alarm or distress to children]
* Not unsightly or considered to be detracting from the general amenity of the neighbourhood
* Does not contain graffiti (tags and stand alone stencils) either on
any building surface or on any existing street artwork that is retained
on the site or any new artwork which is approved by this permit. Touch ups and new artwork can be applied to existing artwork to remove graffiti.
* The approved work on the site must comprise connected, integrated pieces so as not to allow for room for tagging in between parts of the work.
Posted by
random stuff
7:14 PM
Oct 9, 2007
the exhibition
Photo: Oscar. Mentor: Josh Robenstone, Photographer
Graffiti Mentoring Project Exhibition and Forum 2008
This project is produced by the City of Melbourne’s Community Cultural Development Program. For more information contact 9658 9658 or email
amakin @melbourne.vic.gov.au
Exhibition: Legal Enough
Famous When Dead Gallery
207 Victoria Street, Melbourne 3003
Opening Thursday 27 March 2008 6pm – 8pm
Exhibition runs 26 March to 6 April
Opening Times Tuesday to Friday 11am – 6pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 3pm
Exhibition of photographs and video from the Street Art Project in Union Lane. Vox pop documentary. Artwork by the artists involved. Multi-media work created by Mentorees.
Walking Tour – Union Lane Street Art Project
Sunday 6 April 2008
Meet at Union Lane at 2pm.
With Coordinator Amanda King and Artist TBA
A chance to see the Street Art created in this project, and talk to the people involved.
Bookings essential. Places limited.
Forum. Sunday 6 April 2008
Permissible Art
‘Not good enough for ‘fine’ art, not illegal enough 4 graffiti’. (Anon. Union Lane 2007)
Panel; Alison Young, Andy MacDonald, City of Melbourne Councillor,City of Melbourne Resident, Ghostpatrol
Cultural Development Network and the City of Melbourne present this forum to discuss the production of graffiti, its regulation by local government and its place in urban culture.
Posted by
random stuff
9:25 PM